I've been on a mission, of sorts, to eat less hard cheese. If you are allergic to dairy, like Rosie, it's not a question of limiting a food as much as eliminating it completely. She has known nothing other than her beloved soy cheeses like Tofutti and Daiya since she began eating hard foods. I decided now that she can have certain nuts, it might be fun to stretch our vegan cheese wings and see what's out there.
Julie Platt's wonderfully photographed and very clearly written, This Cheese is Nuts!: Delicious Vegan Cheese at Home, has helped me on my quest.The book has some wonderful options for everything from cheddar to mozzarella and beyond. The ingredients are accessible (in my opinion) and the instructions are clear and achievable for most people.

I was thinking a crock of cheese spread with GF crackers would make a wonderful and tasty Mishloach Manot--the gifts of food for friends and family on the Jewish holiday of Purim, as described in the biblical Book of Esther. On Purim, we rejoice over G-d's hidden miracles and remember that even in a moment of crisis or danger, G-d's mercy is near at hand. What better way to share our holiday cheer than with fun costumes for the children (or fun loving adults) and creative gift packages of food. Have a happy Purim!
You can find canned pimentos or jarred peppers in the same section of your supermarket as olives and pickles. The amounts make a lot, so consider halving the recipe. I didn't have smoked sea salt, so I used 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika and regular sea salt, and it worked great!
Smoked Almond Cheddar Spread
This Cheese is Nuts!: Delicious Vegan Cheese at Home by Julie Platt, p. 33
2 cups raw almonds, rinsed and placed in covered bowl with water to cover overnight
1/2 to 3/4 cup pimientos from a jar, with 1/2 to 3/4 cup packing liquid
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 3/4 teaspoon smoked sea salt (I preferred less salt)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Drain the almonds. In the bowl of a food processor, place the first five ingredients with 1/4 cup of the pimiento liquid. Process until the ingredients are well incorporated.
Remove the lid and test the mixture for texture and salt content. If you want a smoother spread, add pimiento liquid in small increments and process again. Add more salt if needed.
Store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Makes approximately 3 cups of spread.